Tuesday 12 September 2023


Two weekends ago, we had another gathering at our friend Ernest’s home. However instead of the usual dinner we had brunch instead because some of the guys were not free for dinner. This group of old friends try to meet at least once a month, or sometimes twice if there is a special occasion. At some gatherings, it was always eating, chatting, laughing and having a merry good time. We also discussed where and when we are going for out next trip.

For the brunch we had porridge and noodles, with chicken wings, and fried prawn paste. Someone forgot to take a picture of the noodles.

One of two plates of chicken wings
One of two plates of wrapped fried prawn paste.
Then there were donuts and cake for tea, followed by fruits and snacks.

Baby donuts from J.PoPs

A very yummy, tasty cheese cake.
The gathering started at 11.30am. Those who had prior engagements left about 3.30pm while some of us stayed a bit later.

As always we had a great time.

Click on the photo to see the bigger picture.

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