Friday 1 September 2023

Happiness Is A Choice

We can choose to be happy by being around people who are cheerful, and people who make us happy. We can choose not to let the unpleasantness in our lives get us down, and by distancing ourselves from people who drain our energy with their negativity.

We should, so live that our happiness depends as little as possible on external things. If you want to be cheerful and happy, act that way and you will soon find yourself becoming that way. Sometimes, a change in mindset and attitude makes a lot of difference.

Develop an attitude of gratitude. Count your blessings, not your woes, and you find that there is a lot in your life to be happy for.

Impatience poisons all our joys and prevents us from recognizing happiness. We are made impatient by the impression that happiness is always a little further on. We want to rush through everything to achieve it. But happiness, as a philosopher once wrote, is like a ball chased by a child – when you catch up with it, you give it a kick. - Unknown

When we chased after superficial, materialistic things, we might be happy, but the happiness is brief. Once we are tire of the things we had, we begin to crave for more. When we cannot have more, we are miserable. The craving is insatiable. If we do not recognise that and keep craving, and chasing after materialistic things, we are going to be forever unhappy. - Unknown

It’s good to be just plain happy; it’s a little better to know that you’re happy; but to understand that you’re happy and to know why and how and still be happy, be happy in the being and the knowing, well that is beyond happiness, that is bliss. - Henry Miller

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