Tuesday 12 December 2023


It was while looking for information on Bamboos for this post that I learned that bamboos are actually of the grass family Poaceae, and giant bamboos are the largest members of the grass family. Apparently, there are more than 115 genera and 1,400 species of bamboo.

I have always liked bamboo. Maybe I am influenced by the depiction of them in Chinese paintings, and movies.

Found mostly in South Asia, Southeast Asia, and East Asia, bamboos are a very versatile plant and it has many uses – from the leaves to their stems.

The leaves can be used as a wrapper to wrap food, or as a fodder for livestock. The young shoots are a food source, consumed as vegetables in Chinese cuisine. Pulped fibres of several bamboo species are used to make fine-quality paper.

The jointed stems of bamboo can be used as building materials to build houses, fences, rafts, or tied together to build scaffoldings on construction sites. They can also be crafted to use as holders, containers, and even for use as a mugs.

Their stems can also provide an array of materials for weaving into baskets, making furniture, and the manufacture of walking sticks, fishing poles, chopsticks, musical instruments and many more.

As you can see, bamboo has numerous uses. However, not all bamboos have the same usefulness. Some species of bamboo are selected for their ornamental value. These are usually seen in gardens, like these.

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