Tuesday 27 July 2021


Callistemon is a genus of shrubs in the family Myrtaceae. Callistemon species havecommonly been referred to as bottlebrushes because of their cylindrical, brush like flowers resembling a traditional bottle brush. There are approximately 40 species of Bottlebrushes within the genus Callistemon.

Bottlebrush flowers are spectacular, distinctive and long lasting. Ranging from crimson reds, bright pinks oranges and yellows, the bright colours are great bird attractors. They are irresistible to nectar-feeding birds and insects.

"The flowers are Inflorescent: that is, they are made up of many tiny flowers, although they appear as one, and the colour comes from their many stamen rather than their petals, which are tiny.” - Plant information

Bottlebrushes are easily grown from seed, or cuttings. They are hardy shrubs. They can grow in a wide variety of soil conditions, and under the full sun.

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