Thursday 15 July 2021

Our Journey in Life

One day, we were born. One day we will die. And in between, we walk our path in life - alone, doing what we can with what we know, what we have. In the beginning, we were guided by our parents and taught the basics in school - if we were lucky. Some people do not have that opportunity. After a certain age, when we are certified 'adults' we journey on our own, doing the best we can.

There will be people coming and going in our lives. Life doesn’t always introduce us to the people we want to meet. Sometimes life puts us in touch with the people we need to meet. People to help us, love us, and some to hurt us even. These will gradually strengthen us into the person we were meant to be. Some people will stay in our lives for a while, and then move on after their part in our lives comes to an end. Some people will accompany us for a bit longer on our journey. But for the most part, it is our journey. And we have to travel the path on our own.

We all have our individual path. No two persons' paths are the same. They might be similar for part of the journey, but never the same for the whole journey. We must follow our path to where it leads us. We are not more ‘advanced’, or slower. No one is ahead of us or behind us. Life is not a Contest. We are exactly where we need to be. It’s our station in Life.

We are the creator of our own life. We create everything that happens to us. If we want to be really successful, then we have to give up blaming and complaining, and take total responsibility for our life – that means all our results, both our successes and our failures.

We are the driver of our own vehicle on the freeway of Life. Get comfortable behind the wheel and enjoy the journey. If you don’t like where you are headed, you are always free to choose another path, to change your mind, to take a detour, to turn around or forge ahead in a new direction. Just don't look for someone or something to blame. It is no one's fault but yours.

On the journey of life, there will be rainy days and sunny days. There will be ups and downs. The ride will be bumpy. The heart will break and mend again with love, forgiveness, and time. Life becomes brighter the longer we live, and the reason for everything appears clearer. What has puzzled us before seems less mysterious, and the crooked paths look straighter as we approach the end.

All these - we will understand in our silver years when we have left the rat race. We will have more time to ponder, to meditate. We will understand that actually, Life is very simple. We could have done with so little and be as happy, or happier. But we, in our ignorance, hunkered to feed our greed and desires, making ouselves miserable in the process. We will realize what matters are the simple things, the simple pleasures.

Hopefully, with all the understanding, we still have some time to change, or correct what displeases us, so that we can live out the rest of our lives contented, and happy.

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