Thursday 29 July 2021

Ti Plant

There are plenty of these plants around where I am. I haven't paid much notice to them because I didn't find them particularly interesting.

Recently, I found out that that they are called Codrylin fruitcosa, or Ti plant. Other names include palm lily, and cabbage palm. They are an evergreen flowering plant in the family Asparagaceae.

In some countries the Ti plants are used for traditional medicine. I remember, when I was young, my mother used to boil the leaves, and after adding some dried winter melons, told us to drink the water, saying it is 'cooling'. I don’t know if there is any truth in that.

After knowing more about the plant, I find that the plant does have its interesting points. I specially like the vibrant colours of the leaves – from dark glossy green, deep glossy red to other shades of green. I guess that is why they are favoured as ornamental plants.

The plant has fan-like and spirally arranged cluster of broadly elongated leaves at the tip of the slender trunk. It has numerous colour variations, ranging from plants with red leaves to green and variegated forms. - Wikipedia

This is the first time I see them bear fruits. I didn't even realise that they bear fruits.

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