Wednesday 14 July 2021

Wednesday Walk

So, last week, I talked about my exploration of a new walk route. I had come to the end of the short section of the disused railway track. I had to make a detour if I were to continue on with the track. Since I was three kilometres from home, I thought it was time to turn back. But before that, I took a detour into one of the housing estate to have a look at the place. And instead of going back by the same route, the disused railway track, I walked home on the main road.

Here are some pictures of the estate's condominiums, and along the route home.

This looks like a very new condominium. The estate is one of the newer ones, and there is still a fair bit of building going on in the area.

There is a shopping mall, shops and eateries on the lower floors. I think this is the 'center' of the estate, if you like.
I think this belongs to the palm family. Interesting plants.
Beautiful yellow bell flowers.
A row of old shop houses.
A Food panda office. Who would expect to see it here.
A nursery.

And with this post, I end my exploration of a new walk route. Now I have an alternative route to take if I want a change of scenery.

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