Friday 13 August 2021

A Bus Ride

Finally, I did it. A bus ride to the coast of the North-Western end of the island. From where I am, it is only a 30 minutes ride. I was there once or twice in my younger days. I wanted to see what has become of the place now. There is a bus that goes past my place and ends there. It was convenient. So, one fine day, and a fine day it was, I hopped on for a bus ride down memory lane.

Along the way, there were no signs of people living in the area any more. Gone were the homes and shophouses along the road. Only a couple of constructions going on. Other than that, it is all wasteland.

On arrival, I had expected to see the place a bit more developed. But it wasn’t. I remember there was a stall selling drinks and snacks. That is gone. I walked past what I thought was a police station, but later found out that it is the Police Coastguard base. It did occur to me why there would be a police station in the middle of nowhere.

There is a jetty which is closed to the public. And that was it. Nothing to see, nothing to do. I wanted to take some pictures, but I thought I walked past a sign that said no photography. Anyway, the path down to the jetty was blocked by a lorry. So, there was nothing worth taking. Since there was nothing else to do, I turned back and took the same bus home, just as it was about to leave.

The whole area seems to be set aside for development. It is quite a big area. A lot could be done. But then, there is an Airbase nearby. So, I don't know what is suitable for development there.

Not a very exciting trip, but I was curious to see how the place was and I did that. It was something different for an afternoon.

Here are some photos I took while on the bus. They turned out better than expected.

An army camp.

After the army camp, when some army personnel got off, I was the only passenger in the bus.
Apart from a couple of constructions going on, both sides of the road are just wasteland.
Just me and the bus driver for most part of my way home.

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