Tuesday 3 August 2021

Arundina Graminifolia aka Bambo Orchid

I was out on a walk when I stumbled upon this pretty flower.

Wikipedia tells me that the plant is called Arundina graminifolia, or the Bamboo Orchid. They produce pinkish flowers at the top of tall canelike pseudobulbs. It's the only species in the genus.

The plants are quite tall, and their cane-like stems resemble bamboo plants. The flower stems, which emerge from the top of the canes, produce several flowers sequentially, so that one will bloom at a time over an extended period. The flowers are white with a purple-to-pink lip.

Arundinas readily propagate themselves by Keikis. Keikis is a new plant growing from an outshoot plant. They are hardy plants and grow well without needing much caring.

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