Sunday 8 August 2021

Another Epiphyllum Oxypetualum Bloom

There were three blooms from my Epiphyllum Oxypetualum two days ago. One bloom on the first night, and two on the second night. There were four buds to begin with, but only three survived to maturity. This must be the fifth time it bloomed this year. It has been very prolific this year. I am always very pleased when there is a bloom, and it has become a ritual for me to take photos of every bloom and showcase them on the blockchain, and to the world.

Epiphyllum Oxypetualum start blooming around 7pm. By midnight, they are fully bloom, and will begin to wilt. That is the sad thing about the Epiphyllum Oxypetualum. The blooms are short lived. However, while they are in full bloom, they are quite spectacular. Big flashy, white flowers with a very nice fragrant. Quite an amazing flower, the Epiphyllum Osypetualum is.

Epiphyllum Oxypetualum is also known as 'Queen of the Night', and 'Night blooming Cereus'. They are one of many varieties of the night blooming Cereus. Known to be hardy plants, they are considered to be one of the easiest houseplants to plant. I can vouch for that.

My two Epiphyllum Oxypetualum were 98% dead when I planted them. Two branches/stems discarded by someone in the apartment block. They were so badly off, I couldn’t even tell which was the top side and which was the bottom side. I stick them both in the pot anyway, purely out of curiosity to see if they survived. They did and I noticed one of branches was facing upside down. But that didn’t seem to stop it from growing. Now, years later, they seem to be rewarding me by being prolific bloomers. I am awfully proud of them.

I do not know very much about ‘Night blooming Cereus’ of which there are many kind. They are generally thought to be drought resistant, and difficult to bloom. But I gave mine a lot of water, and they seem to be quite happy with that. And, as I mentioned, this must be their fifth bloom this year, and this is only August.

We shall see how they do for the rest of the year. You will hear about it when they bloom again. But, I have no expectations. I strongly believe in letting Nature takes it course.

A young bud.

This was at about half past eight in the evening.
This was at about eleven in the evening. They seem to have fully bloomed because there was not much difference from the one taken just after midnight.

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