Saturday 21 August 2021

Palm Trees

Does palm trees make you think of tropical, sandy beaches?

Palm trees grow mostly in tropical climate and they are evergreen. Apparently there are over 2,600 species of palm trees. Some palm trees look very similar, it is difficult to tell which is which.

Here are some palm trees seen around Singapore. The names of the first three palms I am sure of because there have a sign on their stem.

The Itaya amicorum palm

The Mexican blue palm
The Date palm
The following few palms resemble those I saw on the web. So, I am reasonably sure.

The Fuji fan palm

The Fan palm
The Bismarckia palm
The following looks like Bismarckia palms, but I am not sure. Maybe they belong to the same family.
These looks like foxtail palms.
The following palms - I do not know the names of. Instead of trying to name them and ended up confusing you, I will just let them be. Or maybe you can help me identify them.

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