Thursday 12 August 2021

Flowering Vine Plants

I was sure I had the name of this flowering vine plant somewhere. But, I have looked through my albums of flower pictures, and couldn’t find it anywhere. In desperation, I turned to google images for help. Unfortunately, they were of not much help.

What’s so special about this vine plant? Well, for one thing, I find it sweet and pretty.

Recently, I see a lot of this in my area. They are using this, and this type of flowering vine plants to provide some shade from the sun. What they do is, they guide, or train the vine to grow into shade covers. This also adds colour to the place. I think it is a wonderful idea.
However, this kind of shade has its drawbacks. They are great when they are young and in bloom. After the bloom, and especially when they are old vines, leaves and flowers dried out. If they are not well maintained, and this needs a lot of work, the whole shade can look very tacky.
This is the Honolulu creeper plant. They are quite impressive when the whole walkway is covered in blooms. Someone described it as a cooling system from Heaven. I can see what they mean but I also know that people tend to exaggerate things a bit.
These are yellow bell flowers. They are not vine plants. But here, the National Parks are trying to use them as they use the vine plants - to provide shade and colour to the place. They are nice too. The problem with this is that yellow bells have many branches and they tend to stick out all over the place. They look unkempt.

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