Wednesday 31 August 2022

A Walk In The Park

Instead of my usual afternoon walk, I took a walk to the bus interchange to top up my fare card instead. It is only a fifteen minutes’ walk from my home to the interchange.

There is a park near the interchange. I thought it would be a good opportunity to go and have a look, and at the same time, see if I cover the recommended 10,000 steps. It would also give me the opportunity to take some pictures for a post on my blog.

Here are some pics from the walk in the park.

It was a cloudy and grey day. It has been this way for the past couple of days.

A jackfruit tree. Someone took the trouble to wrap up the jackfruit, probably with the intention of harvesting it when it is ripe. They are not supposed to do that. The fruits are for the wildlife in the area that might need them.
This is one of three community garden plots. Residents in the vicinity can rent these plots from the National Park Agency. They can then plant vegetables, herbs and spices, or flowers if they like. These plots are very popular, and there is always a long queue to rent one.
Here are some of the results – brinjal, or eggplant or aubergine depending on which part of the world you are from.
A jasmine bush.
Some Impatiens Balsamina – also known as garden balsam or rose balsam.
This, definitely looks like an egg. I guess that is where the name eggplant comes from.
I don’t know what these are.
They are building a clubhouse in one corner of the park.

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