Monday 19 June 2023

Wacky Humour

Laughter is not only the shortest distance between two people, laughter between two is sometimes a closer act of love than any other.

Have a look at the following. Keep the ones you like in mind and share some laughter with your circle of friends. They will appreciate it.

May you have a great week ahead!

If four or five guys tell you that you’re drunk, even though you know you haven’t had a thing to drink, the least you can do is to lie down a little while. - Joseph Schenck

All humans are 99.9 percent genetically identical, so don’t even think of ending any potential relationship with "I just don't think we have enough in common. - Unknown

When you cannot get a compliment any other way pay yourself one. - Mark Twain

It is infamy to die, and not be missed. - Carlos Wilcox

Whatever you may look like, marry a man your own age. As your beauty fades, so will his eyesight. - Unknown

It is terribly rude to tell people that their troubles are boring. - Lemony Snicket

We didn’t lose the game; we just ran out of time. - Vince Lombardi

I was married by a judge. I should have asked for a jury. - Groucho Marx

Luck sure didn't look like a lady tonight, more like the bitch she always was. - Rob Thurman

Nothing in my life has ever made me want to commit suicide more than people’s reaction to my trying to commit suicide. - Emilie Autumn

Man started out on the wrong foot. The misadventure in paradise was the first consequence. The rest had to follow. - Emil Cioran

I was setting a voice recognition password for my new phone and a nearby dog barked and ran away. Now I am still looking for the dog to unlock my phone. - Unknown

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