Wednesday 11 September 2024

Don't Judge

Don’t judge another. Instead, try to understand why people do what they do. Perhaps, if you were in their shoes, you would be doing what they are doing. We are all different, and we do things differently. Every one of us has our reasons for doing the things we did. Each of us has our own problems, and we deal with them differently – sometimes with the only way we know how.

Don’t judge what you don’t understand, or when you don’t have all the facts. Everyone has untold stories of pain and sadness that make them love and live a little differently than you do. We can never know what the other person is going through or dealing with. So, before you judge another, think of your own last mistake.

To sit alone with my conscience will be judgment enough for me. - Charles William Stubbs

Don’t judge someone’s story by the chapter you just walked into. - Unknown

How little do they see what is, who frame their hasty judgments upon that which seems. - Robert Southey

Judge not thy friend until thou standest in his place. - Rabbi Hillel

In judging others, it’s always best to see with the heart as well as the eyes. - Unknown

There is little room left for wisdom when one is full of judgment. - Malcolm Hein

When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself. - Wayne Dyer

None are more unjust in their judgments of others than those who have a high opinion of themselves. - Charles Haddon Spurgeon

If you judge people too often, you will never learn very well. You will be too occupied with others’ faults to notice your own. - Unknown

The truest test of independent judgment is being able to dislike someone who admires us, and to admire someone who dislikes us. - Sydney J. Harris

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