Thursday 12 September 2024


As long as we are alive, there will always be things to learn. As such we are all students, and will be students all our lives. In school, we were taught the basics of an education. It is after we left school, when we start working in society – that’s where real learning about life starts.

Spare a few moments to give some thoughts to these aphorisms. They teach Life lessons not taught in school. If you can understand them, you will have a better idea of what life is all about. They will help you in the Mastery of Life.

Some of these aphorisms are centuries old. They are the wisdom of sages, philosophers, poets, writers, and people who have been through the hard knocks of life. Learn from them. They will make you a better person – be it in dealing with life or people.

What a man believes may be ascertained, not from his creed, but from the assumptions on which he habitually acts. - George Bernard Shaw

People are usually more firmly convinced that their opinions are precious than that they are true. - George Santayana

Let us follow our destiny, ebb and flow. Whatever may happen, we master fortune by accepting it. - Virgil

Be a free thinker and don't accept everything you hear as truth. Be critical and evaluate what you believe in. - Aristotle

Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love, this is the eternal rule. - The Buddha

An idea, to be suggestive, must come to the individual with the force of a revelation. - William James

Health is the first muse, and sleep is the condition to produce it. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Freedom and constraint are two aspects of the same necessity. - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

When stupidity is considered patriotism, it is unsafe to be intelligent. - Isaac Asimov

A man never tells you anything until you contradict him. - George Bernard Shaw

In every parting there is an image of death. - George Eliot

The world has the habit of making room for the man whose actions show that he knows where he is going. - Napoleon Hill

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