Saturday 21 September 2024

Quote Worthy

The beauty of Aphorisms is that they are usually fairly simple in words and meaning. However, behind the simple words, and sentences are profound truisms and life lessons. Unfortunately, it is easy to read the words without really understanding the more profound meaning they convey, missing the point of these ageless aphorisms.

To read and understand aphorisms is not enough. We must also know how to apply them to our life situations. That’s where the value of aphorisms lie; that’s where you find the profound lessons in aphorisms.

The realist is the man, who having weighed all the visible factors in a given situation and having found that the odds are against him, decides that fighting is useless. - Raoul De Sales

We have perhaps a natural fear of ends. We would rather be always on the way than arrive. Given the means, we hang on to them and often forget the ends. - Eric Hoffer

If men would consider not so much wherein they differ, as wherein they agree, there would be far less of uncharitableness and angry feeling in the world. - Joseph Addison

The opposition is indispensable. A good statesman, like any other sensible human being, always learns more from his opponents than from his fervent supporters. - Walter Lippmann

Often the desire to appear competent impedes our ability to become competent, because we are more anxious to display our knowledge than to learn what we do not know. - Magdeleine Sable

If we determine that we will perform one deed of kindness every day, no matter how small or insignificant it might seem, we will never stop reaping the returns. - Unknown

We live in a discouraging world full of people who put us down. What bright lights we can be when we say the simple words, ‘I have confidence in you!’ - Florence Littauer

The thorns which I have reaped are of the tree I planted; they have torn me, and I bleed. I should have known what fruit would spring from such a seed. - Lord Byron

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