Saturday 18 December 2021

Flower Dome

The Flower Dome at the Gardens by the Bay is the largest glass greenhouse in the world as listed in the 2015 Guinness World Records at 1.2 hectares!

It features a the flower field, and eight other gardens, namely The Baobabs, Succulent Garden, Australian Garden, South African Garden, South American Garden, Olive Grove, California Garden and the Mediterranean Garden. These eight gardens exhibit exotic flowers and plants from the Mediterranean and semi-arid regions from five different continents.

Step into, and be awed by the plants and flowers from five continents. In there, it is perpetual Spring. You can stroll through the gardens in comfort.

Here are some pictures from my recent visit.

This plant Bombax ceiba or commonly known as the Red Cotton Tree

I don’t know what this is.
Baobab trees from the Baobabs garden
Anthropomorphic wood-carved sculptures from the Republic of Chile
Forest Gardenia or gardenbua thunbergia
Grass tree or known by the botanical name Xantohorrhoea spp
Woolly bush from the Australian garden
Palm trees
There are quite a few sculptures in the dome. Here are some amongst the flower bushes.
Ceiling of the dome
A couple of artists painting the flowers in the garden.
If you wish to know more about the Gardens by the Bay, or the flower dome have a look 👉 HERE

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