Thursday 30 December 2021

Olive Grove

Olea europaea or commonly known as the olive tree is native to the Mediterranean region.

I have seen olive trees in Spain when I was holidaying there. I didn't expect to see olive trees in Singapore because I didn't think the climate here is conducive to their growth. Imagine my surprise on seeing that there is an olive grove here in Singapore, in the Flower dome.

According to the National Parks website, “Olea europaea is arguably one of the oldest known cultivated plant, probably cultivated about 6000 years ago.”

The sign in the Olive grove said, “...many olive trees around the Mediterranean region are said to be hundreds of years old; some have reached 1,000; a few have even made it to the ripe old age of 2,000.”

Nowadays, Olive oil are preferred over other cooking oils because they are believed to be healthier. Some people also used it as a salad dressing.

Pure, unmixed olive oil is known as virgin oil. And the oil from the first cold pressing is known as Extra virgin oil. It is said one olive produces only one drop of Extra virgin oil. The oil from subsequent pressings are of lower quality.

Here are some pictures of the olive grove - in the day, and in the evening.

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