Monday 24 January 2022

The Shadow of Your Smile

This was my entry for the Shadow Hunters Contest in the Hive blockchain.

“The brightest flame casts the darkest shadow.” - George R.R. Martin,

Shadows of a walkway shelter. Our government spent a fair bit of money building these shelters. They are all over the island. Shelters linking one apartment block to another; from apartments to bus stops, from bus stops to malls. I think Singaporeans are too pampered. Most do not even know how lucky they are.

The Shadow Hunter Contest/SMASh is run by @melinda01011 If you are interested in joining in the fun, check out the rewards and the rules of the contest 👉 HERE

And, for your listening pleasure -
The Shadow of your smile by Tony Bennet

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If you are a blogger and are interested in earning crypto coins, you might want to check out the Hive blockchain. It is a social media that pays tokens for your posts, which you can then convert to crypto coins.

You can use my referral link if you like.

Let me know if you do sign up, I will come by and lend some support. Or, if you have any problem understanding how it works, feel free to ask me.

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