Friday 7 January 2022

World of Palms

I have to confess I have never paid very much attention to palm trees. They are all over the place here, and I guess one just takes them for granted. They are just ‘trees’. I didn’t even know that coconut trees are also a part of the palm family until recently.

There are actually quite a few varieties of palms. Some varieties look so similar, it is difficult to tell which is which.

In the Gardens by the Bay, there is a ‘World of Palms’. You find many varieties of palms and information on them.

I learned that palms are “incredibly versatile” and useful plants. They provide “shelter, fibres, fruit, starch and oil to many of man’s purposes.” They are also important for wildlife. Birds and insects collect the nectar and pollen, while small mammals eat the fruits. Palm leaves come in many different shapes. Some are woven into hats.

Here are some pictures of palm trees from the ‘World of Palms’. Apart from the Fan palms which are easily recognizable by their fan-like leaves, I am afraid I do not know what the rest of the palms in the pictures are.

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