Saturday 5 March 2022

Unknown Vine Plant

I saw a vine plant with fruits along my walk route. I don’t know what the plant, or the fruit is called. If you have an idea, do let me know in the comments. I also don’t know whether it belongs to the climber, or creeper family.

I have seen this creeper/climber plant slowly took over the wall on my walks. Later, I saw branches growing from the walls. It didn’t occur to me that they were from the vine plant. I thought they were different plants.

It was only when I saw fruits on the branches that I ventured nearer to have a look. I saw that after a certain stage, maybe maturity, the vines grow into branches, and bear fruits. The fruit is a bit hairy like the peach. So is the texture to the touch. Beyond that, I have no other information on the fruit, and/or plant.

The birds in the area don't seem to be interested in the fruits, So they are probably not edible.

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