Saturday 16 July 2022

Hilly Slopes of Arroyo de la Miel

Arroyo de la Miel stands on hilly slopes at the base of mount Calamorro. Therefore, there are slopes everywhere – from gentle slopes to moderate slopes to very steep slopes. You are either going up a slope or down a slope.

I have a strong suspicion that with all the walking up and down slopes, the locals must be very fit. Or they must be very tired at the end of the day.

Perhaps that is why most of them have cars. It is a necessary mode of transportation.

The slopes are not good for bicycles. It is great if you are going down the slope, but imagine what it would be like to come back up the slope. But it is a good place to train for a bicycle race.

So far, I saw only about half a dozen bicycles on this trip. One cyclist was all dressed up in cycling gears. So he might be training for a race.

Here are some pictures of slopes.

When I first saw these tables outside a restaurant, I wondered how it could be comfortable sitting on a slope. I imagined bottles and glasses to be toppling all over the place. But, after dining there a couple of times, I am used to it now. Although there was the occasional mishap, it is not a common thing. I guess you just have to be extra careful not to rattle the table too much. You also learn to reach quickly for your wine glass and bottles if there are any table movements.

Some slopes are steeper than others.

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