Saturday 2 July 2022

Orange Trees

Orange trees are a common sight in Benalmadena. They are lush and green, and neatly trimmed. Although they bear oranges, nobody pays them any attention. This is because this variety of oranges are too bitter to be eaten. They are not the same as those sold in the supermarkets. This variety of oranges are for making marmalade. But even then, no one bothers.

The trees are planted for decoration and shade, and they add greenery to the place.

Orange season is in winter time, and they last for quite long. There are still some oranges in the trees. But you have to be looking for them, or you will miss them. The green oranges blend in with the leaves and are not easy to spot. When they ripen, they are covered and underneath the leaves, so you have to be searching for them or you will not know they are there.

There was a year when due to weather conditions, they were a bit late in season. That year, when I came here, I could see fallen oranges on the ground everywhere. This year, I haven’t been able to see any green orangess, and there are not many ripe ones on the trees.

Orange trees on the walkways on both sides of the street.
There are still some oranges in some of the trees. As you can see, they are all under the canopy of the leaves, hidden from sight.

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