Tuesday 20 September 2022

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

In an era before the advent of IT, - no, before the advent of colour TV, children like to play outside. And in the evenings, I remember, one of the activities was to count how many stars there were in the sky. Of course, there are too many to count. We would start to count all over again, and again until we have had enough.

Nowadays, looking up at the sky in the evening, one doesn’t see many stars any more. Twinkle, twinkle little star, how I wonder where you are.

They are still there all right. They haven’t moved. But, the sky now is so polluted, it blocked out most of the stars except the brightest of them. Now, any child can count how many stars there are in the sky without a problem.

What prompted this rant was, whilst on holiday recently, I was moon-watching, following the moon as it appeared around the balcony, I could see only about half a dozen stars in the sky. And that was it.

Anyway, rant over, here are some photos from the night when I followed the moon as it appeared over the balcony and eventually set behind the mountain.

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