Friday 21 April 2023


I spotted these not so commonly seen plants in the Gardens by the Bay. They belong to the banana family of plants.

Musa Ornata

Musa ornata, the flowering banana, is one of more than 50 species of banana in the genus Musa of the family Musaceae. Most of these species are large tropical evergreen perennials, mainly from lowland areas with high temperature and humidity. Musa ornata originated in Southeast Asia, and is cultivated for its commercial and ornamental value. The fruit is attractive but tends to be inedible. - Wikipedia 

Musella lasiocarpa

Musella lasiocarpa (syn. Musa lasiocarpa), commonly known as Chinese dwarf banana, golden lotus banana or Chinese yellow banana, is the sole species in the genus Musella. It is thus a close relative of bananas, and also a member of the family Musaceae. - Wikipedia

It is known for its erect, yellow pseudostem, generally appearing during the second year of cultivation, that can last a few months. Just before opening, the yellow, flower-like pseudostem resembles a lotus - from which the plant gets one of its names. - Wikipedia

They are also known as Flowering Banana, Ornamental Banana.

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