Saturday 5 August 2023

Beautiful Crepuscular Rays

I was fortunate to ​s​ee and capture the following light show myself instead of watching someone’s photo and wishing I was there to see the it.

Crepuscular rays are shades of sunlight from below the horizon shining through openings and edges of clouds into the evening sky during sunset. It primarily occurs when sunlight travels through broken clouds but also happens when the light travels through other objects under the right conditions. ๐Ÿ‘‰ Source

Under certain conditions, the different shades of sunlight penetrating through the clouds during sunset can appear almost surreal. This meteorological phenomenon is better known as Crepuscular Rays. ๐Ÿ‘‰ Source

On noticing the crepusular rays, I took a shot of it every couple of minutes trying to capture the best scene. The following are y best shots.

And there goes another day.

Click on the photo to see the bigger picture.

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