Friday 17 June 2022

Second Day In Arroyo

So, here I am in Arroyo, Malaga, Spain. I arrived midday yesterday. The flight was uneventful. Everything went smoothly at the immigration.

I will be here for the next ten weeks. It’s a home-stay holiday, meaning I will be staying with my friend, Roger. I have been doing that since 2017, but had to take a two year break because of the pandemic. Now that it is safe/free to travel again, I am back.

However, Roger has moved to another part of town. But it is not too far away from the old place. So, although it is a new place, I am not unfamiliar with the surroundings.

Roger was kind enough to loan me his laptop and set up a workstation for me. That is great. From here, I can post about my stay in Arroyo.

Since my arrival, I have been taking it easy – familiarizing myself with the apartment, the surroundings, getting used to the language which I know nothing of except maybe for a couple of words. It is a strange feeling hearing people talking around you but you haven’t a clue what they are saying.

As we get older and more set in our ways, it takes a longer time to settle in and get used to changes. And there are many – from simple things like the laptop I am using to the apartment, kitchen, to the weather, culture, environment… This will take a while for me to adapt, since I am the kind who is more comfortable with routine and familiar surroundings.

We didn’t feel like cooking yesterday, so we went to this Tandoori Indian restaurant for dinner. It’s only five a minutes walk from Roger’s place, so that was very convenient.

After a lovely dinner of lamb Rogan Josh washed down with two pints of beer, the previous day’s travel, and not sleeping on the plane was getting to me. I was walking on air by the time I left the restaurant. So I had an early night to catch up on my sleep.

More later...

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