Wednesday 26 June 2024

Arrival In Benalmadena

So, here I am again – in Benalmadena, for the sixth time. My friend Roger retired here in 2017, and I have visited him every year during the summer, except for the Covid years. Each time, I spent six to ten weeks here.

I arrived on Monday afternoon, after over 17 hours of journey with Qatar Airlines. Since I can’t sleep on board the plane, I was quite tired by the time I arrived in Benalmadena. However, I managed to keep going until it was time to sleep at night. I had a good night’s sleep and feel a lot better today. I am still adjusting to the time difference and the ‘new’ environment. As you get older, you find difficulty in adjusting, especially if you are, like me, who are used to everyday routines.

Anyway, I will be here for the next six weeks and I will be posting about Benalmadena. So if you are interested to know what Benalmadena is like, stay tuned.

Since I have been Benalmadena before and post about it, older readers of my blog would have an idea what Benalmadena is like already. I will do my best to keep things fresh and interesting.

Anyhow, this is just to touch base. I will be back, hopefully tomorrow when I am settled into the routine here.

This is the plane that took me to Doha when I caught a connecting flight to Malaga.

Some photos of Doha airport.
Making my way to the boarding gate.

Click on the photo to see the bigger picture.

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