Tuesday 11 June 2024

‘I Light Singapore – 2024’

“I Light Singapore’ is an art festival featuring light art installations. This year, the 10th festival happening from 31 May to 23 June 2024, is spread out in three locations. One of the locations is the Marina Bay.

There are nine Light installations in the Marina Bay. I was in the area, so I went to have a look. However, I have a close-up look at five of them only. The others, either I missed out or they were a distance away, and which I thought wasn’t that interesting.

Here are some photos of the Light installations I saw. They are interesting. No doubt about that. But bear in mind that these are ‘art works’ on / about sustainability. So, how much you understand from the ‘art works’, or how accurately they portray the theme, or subject, is really up to the individual’s perception – like all things when it comes to art.

Dandelion bursts into a symphony of sound and light every five minutes. The installation aims to give visitors the chance to take a break from their hectic lives.

Iwagumi Air Scape
The "rocks" are filled with air and embody the Japanese art of Iwagumi where rocks are laid out in an aquascaping manner to emphasise the rawness of nature.
Pure Ring
This installation is shaped after a friendship bracelet. Visitors can sit on this artwork and trigger changing colours when they do so.
Arc Zero: Nimbus
The piece features a ring of mist at the end of the pontoon.
Liminal; Minimal
The piece highlights the wastefulness of urban construction by framing the surrounding cityscape with remnants from building sites.
Kinetic Perspective
The circles within the installation are constantly moving, creating visual patterns that can change depending on where you're looking from.
In a statement to the media, festival director Jason Chen said: "The light art installations showcased at this milestone edition of ‘i Light Singapore’ have been carefully selected for their originality, immersive and interactive nature as well as their ability to transform the urban experience at Marina Bay and the neighbouring precincts. "As this vibrant signature event enlivens our city, we also hope that the sustainable artworks serve as reminders of the importance of sustainable living and inspire a collective vision for a greener future."

All the information in this post is taken from the ‘i Light Installation’ website.

Video – a short clip on the Kinetic Perspective

You can click on the picture for a better view.

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