Wednesday 12 June 2024

The Mind

The mind is defined as “the element of a person that enables them to be aware of the world and their experiences, to think, and to feel; the faculty of consciousness and thought”.

“It’s all in the mind,” people often say, without realizing how true that is. The mind is the root from which all things grow. Everything begins and ends in the mind. The mind is what makes everything else work.

What you give power to, has power over you. The mind grows by what it feeds on. So, we have to nurture our mind with positive thoughts. A negative mind will never give you a positive life.

Since it is all in the mind, and it’s our mind, it is possible for us to control our mind. When we are able to control our mind, we will be free.

Your mind is a magnet. If you think of blessings you attract blessings; and if you think of problems you attract problems. Always cultivate good thoughts and always remain positive and optimistic. - Unknown

Keep your mind humble, and open to new ideas. You will learn much more in the process, and continue to develop as a human being. - Unknown

The most distinctive mark of a cultured mind is the ability to take another’s point of view; to put one’s self in another’s place, and see life and its problems from a point of view different from one’s own. - A. H. R. Fairchild

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. - The Buddha

It is a man’s own mind, not his enemy or foe, that lures him to evil ways. – The Buddha

What the mind of man can conceive and believe, the mind of man can achieve. - Napoleon Hill

My mind is at peace knowing that what was meant for me will never miss me, and that which misses me was never meant for me. - Unknown

A mind, like a home, is furnished by its owner, so if one’s life is cold and bare he can blame none but himself. - Louis L 'Amour

Your mind will always believe everything you tell it. Feed it hope. Feed it truth. Feed it with love. - Unknown

Your own mind is a sacred enclosure into which nothing harmful can enter except by your permission. - Arnold Bennett

The country would be far better if the population were half as interested in keeping their minds in as good condition as they tried to keep their bodies. - John Saul

Our minds influence the key activity of the brain, which then influences everything; perception, cognition, thoughts and feelings, personal relationships; they’re all a projection of you. - Deepak Chopra

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