Saturday 1 June 2024

Trip to Ipoh – Day 5

Day 5. Another holiday comes to an end. It was time to go home. Our flight was in the early afternoon. So, we had a late breakfast before heading out to the airport to wait for our flight.
Ipoh’s airport is very small. This photo was taken from one end of the airport. At the other end, there is a cafeteria. And that is the extent of the airport. I think the airfield can accommodate two planes only.
Anyhow, although there were disappointments with parts of the trip, overall, the trip went as well as can be expected. Ipoh was hot and humid like Singapore. The food is also similar. So there is no culture shock nor need for adjustment. It was somewhere I haven’t been, somewhere I wanted to have a look. Now I have done it. That’s our plane coming to fetch us.
Some photos from the trip. This is Ipoh. Many shop-houses and a few not too high buildings.
Tourist attractions – cave temples, gardens, and tea plantations.

You can click on the picture for a better view.

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