Thursday 6 June 2024

Night Markets

There are many night markets in Ipoh. There is a night market open in different parts of the town on every day of the week.

A visit to a night market (or pasar malam) is an opportunity to sample the local food. If you have the stomach for it, you could skip your dinner and have something to eat at the night markets. As you stroll from one stall to the next, you can buy something you like or want to try. You will have a full meal by the time you finish visiting the market.

The night markets are usually open from 6.30 pm to 10.30 pm. You can find all sorts of things at the night markets. Apart from food, there are household items, electrical goods, souvenirs, shoes, toys, clothing, even vegetables and seafood.

You can click on the picture for a better view.

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