Thursday 20 June 2024

‘Rose Romance’ II

Roses are a group of perennial flowering plants of the genus Rosa, belonging to the Rosaceae family. Found primarily in the temperate regions of the northern hemisphere, most species of roses are native to Asia and Oceania, with a smaller group found in North America, Europe and northwest Africa.

The rose is the most popular flower in the world, Symbolising love and passion. It is also commonly used to represent beauty, politics, and war. There are over 150 species of roses and thousands of hybrids. There is no definitive way to categorise roses, but they are usually divided into groups according to their history and parentage

More photos from the ‘Rose Romance’ display.

Traditional Bodrum Houses
Bodrum is famous for its white houses with blue or blue rimmed windows and doors. The white paint helps to reflect the sun’s rays and keep the interiors cool. It is also believed to repel insects. The doors and window panes, on the other hand, are painted blue according to local tradition. Bodrum natives believe in the ‘evil eye’ and the colour blue protects them from it. - Information on the signboard.

You can click on the picture for a better view.

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