Friday 15 April 2022

Forgive Everyone, And Forgive Yourself

It is easier to forgive others than to forgive ourselves. But if we can forgive others, shouldn’t we forgive ourselves too? Of course, we must. We must forgive ourselves the wrongs that we have done, the wrong decisions we made, and the things that we said unintentionally, and/or in a moment of anger. We must forgive ourselves the times that we have let ourselves down, or when we let our friends, and our loved ones down.

We are humans after all. We are not perfect. We have our faults and failings. We have our problems, troubles, and inevitably in a moment of anger, or frustration, we could have lashed out without thinking. Our regret, our guilt for doing that is punishment enough. As long as we are aware of our mistakes, and take care not to repeat them, or where circumstances allow, we take steps to make amends, we should be at peace with ourselves. Rather than keep dwelling on it, we should let it go and move on.

We are all learning, and improving ourselves. We do the best we can, with what we have, and what we know. Sometimes, our best is not the best. Sometimes, our knowledge is limited, and we do not know better. We are ignorant of a lot of things. Therefore, we can only do what we thought was the best thing to do at the time. If we were all so clever, wise, and all knowing, there wouldn’t be any mistakes in the world.

So, just as we forgive our friends and loved ones for their misdemeanours, we should also forgive ourselves, ours. Emotional baggage are harder to bear than physical ones. Don’t be dragging them around. Let go and be free. Be at peace.

When we can understand our failings, we will also understand that, like us, people are not perfect and have their failings. And when we know that they, like us, are also striving, hurting, and doing their best, we will be more empathetic. It will be easier to forgive them.

It might take some time before we can bring ourselves to forgive someone. That is all right – especially when we were badly hurt. The ability to forgive takes time. We need time to come to terms with the hurt, and pain. It is quite normal.

However, do remember, the sooner you can forgive and move on, the earlier you experience peace of mind. And the more you forgive – whether it is yourself, or others, the more you have your peace of mind. It doesn’t matter whether the person deserves your forgiveness or not. Forgiving is closure so you can move on. It is for our own benefit.

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