Wednesday 13 April 2022

Hindhede Nature Park

A brief history of the quarry from the signboard.

“The rock face surrounding the quarry pond is part of the granite complex, which was crystallised from magma beneath the Earth’s surface some 200 million years ago, during the early to mid-Triassic age. Though small pocket of tin deposit was found in the Quarry, it was the granite rocks that were of economic value to Singapore.

“Quarry excavation eased in the late 1980s. Water from rain and surface run-off continually filled the disused pit, gradually turning it into a large inland lake.”

The authorities preserved the place and it is now a Nature Park.

The beginning of the trail

I spotted this little thing up on a tree. It was fidgeting. So I wasn’t able to get a good shot. Besides, I didn’t want to stay around too long because I don’t know how it will behave towards humans.
Beautiful palms.
The lookout point.
Another resident of the Nature park – a monitor lizard. It was so well camouflaged I didn't noticed it until I was side by side with it. I am glad it didn't take a bite out of me.
And another resident of the park. It looked like a squirrel, but its tail looked a bit too long for a squirrel. I didn’t notice it at first. I was happily on my way when something dropped in front of me. It gave me a fright. It scrambled off before I could have a good look at it. It was when I looked up to see from where it might have fallen that I noticed this other one on the tree.
I had a pleasant hike. The trail is not very long. One can easily complete it in twenty minutes. The attraction of the trail, the Hindhede Nature park is of course, the disused quarry. The quarry and the water had a calming effect. It is very relaxing just looking out at it.

There was some work going on, on a part of the trail. So, maybe they are aiming to make the trail more interesting.

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