Sunday 15 January 2023

Beehive Cookies

Beehive cookies, also known as honeycomb cookies - so called because the cookies resemble bee hives, are another favourite Chinese New Year cookie.

My sister likes to bake some every year. They are very well appreciated, by the nephews and nieces. Baking bee-hive cookies is a two person job. One to dip the mould in the mix, put it into the wok of oil to fry, and one person to fish out the cookie.

I don't have the recipe for the cookies. But no worries, you will find plenty of them on the net. I will just describe the steps to making them, simply. I am not a ‘baker’. Just an observer, and helper with the odds and ends.

Once the mix is ready, heat up the oil in the wok. When the oil is sufficiently heated, you can commence on baking/frying the cookies. You dip the mould into the mix and then you deposit it in the oil. A steady hand is needed here. You have to make sure the mix does not go over the top of the mould or it won't drop off the mould in the oil.

When it is nicely brown, you fish them out of the oil. That was my job.

You left out to cool down before packing them in a container. They take up quite a bit of space. So, you need to get a few large containers ready.

Preparing the mix.

The cookies were left to cool before packing them into containers.
👉 HERE is a short clip on dipping the bee hive mould in the mix and depositing it in the wok.

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