Saturday 7 January 2023

Flora In The Gardens

The big expanse and open spaces in the Botanical Gardens are great for picnics, or just lazing about. In the mornings, there are groups of Tai Chi and Chi Kong practitioners practicing their art. The garden is also popular with walkers and joggers.

One of the highlights of the garden is the National Orchid Garden, which boasts the world’s largest orchid display. The Orchid garden charges an entrance fee. I didn’t visit the Orchid gardens, so I am not able to give a report on it.

There are not a lot of flowering plants in the garden. But there are a lot of trees and palm trees.

The following are some of the flowering plants that I saw. They are tropical, sub-tropical perennials and quite commonly seen in Singapore.

These are heliconias.

This is the first time I am seeing this variety.
Yellow bells
Caesalpinia pulcherrima also known as Peacock flower
Calliandra – a genus of flowering plants in the pea family
Costus amazonicus – ginger flower plants
Goeppertia veitchiana
I don’t know what this plant with the interesting leaves is.
I saw some fruit trees which are laden with fruits. Unfortunately, I do not know what are they.
A variety of banana tree.
Banana inflorescence partially opened
One of the pleasant things about visiting a garden is you get to have a closer look at all the interesting plants. You will find that nature is amazing, wonderful and beautiful.Flora In Th eg

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