Friday 20 January 2023

Close-up Shots OF Flowers

“The flower fades that is not looked upon.” - Edward Counsel

Flowers come in all shapes and sizes. They also come in a variety of colours. They are all beautiful. I don’t think I have ever seen a flower and feel that it is not beautiful.

Here are some close up shots of flowers. These were taken with a cell phone camera, so they might not be the best. However, some of them turned out quite nicely.

With the help of Google lens, I am able to identify the flowers. If there are any errors, do let me know.

Hibscus mutabilis

Allamanda cathartica
Allamanda blanchetii
English roseum
Japanese camellia
Camellia japonica kumasaka
Thunbergia erecta
Calla lily
Garden lily
White-fleshed pitahaya cactus
And these last ones are Geraniums

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