Saturday 27 November 2021

Neighbourhood Cats

There are quite a few cats in the neighbourhood. I think they are strays, but they are not wary of people at all. So, I wonder.

On my way out for my afternoon walk, I saw this white and grey cat resting on the steps. I stopped to take a picture of it, expecting it to scurry away. But it didn't. It studied me with eyes alert but didn't move. It's a beautiful cat.

One and a half hours later, when I returned from my walk, the cat is still around. It has move a metre from where it was, and was grooming itself. I snapped a few more shots of it and leave it to its grooming.
What I admire about cats is that they don't seem to have a care in the world. Eckhart Tolle, the visionary spiritual teacher, call them Zen masters. It easy to understand why.

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