Saturday 20 November 2021

Another Rescue Mission

![1.jpg]( Here’s another orchid that needs rescuing. I have had it for almost 5 years now. It has done well and rewarded me with four blooms. But recently, it hasn’t been doing well. There were brown spots on the leaves. I scraped off the brown spots and for a while, it looked like I might have saved the plant.

I was wrong, The condition worsened and it got so bad I had to sacrifice the plant in the hope that it would not affect the remaining plant.

Unfortunately, before too long, the other plant also suffered the same problem. Some website suggested spraying the leaves with apple cider vinegar mixed with water. It has either no effect, or maybe I left it too late.
There were three leaves - two not looking very good, and one looking poorly.
Then, there was two leaves looking poorly.
And then, there was one leaf looking poorly and one on the way out.
The other day, I was thinking I will re-pot it, and hope that would turn things around. Just as I was about to re-pot it, I saw this little shoot growing from the base of the other plant which had died by the same affliction. In view of that, I decided to clip the plant and see how the new shoot fares first. I will postpone the re-potting.
My questions are:
1. Does anyone knows what these brown spots are and how to eliminate them?
2. Is this a good time to re-pot the orchid or should I wait until the new plant has grown a little?

If you have an idea or a suggestion, do let me know. Thanks!

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