Tuesday 9 November 2021

Rescue Mission

For some reason, these two orchids that I re-potted recently aren’t doing well. They started off well enough, growing new roots and leaves and one of them will be blooming before too long.
The only reason I can think of, at this point, is that their present location is too hot for them. The afternoon sun in the tropics can be quite punishing.

So, the first step is to bring them indoors, and see if things improve. There is really not much space outdoors, out of the sun.

One of the plants was also under attack. Something ate, first, half of a leaf and then moved on to eat a new, young leaf. That was annoying. So far, the suspicion is on some birds that hang out on the handrail of the corridor wall. But I can’t be sure if it was them.

The leaf looked burnt.
But otherwise, young roots indicate that the plant is still healthy.
Now that they are inside the house, we shall see if it make any difference. Fingers crossed. One of them is about to bloom. It won’t be long now.

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