Sunday 14 November 2021

Rescue Mission - An Update

This is an update on my ‘Rescue Mission’ of my two Orchid plants a few days ago. I am pleased to report that all went well. The rescue mission was a success.

Here’s a recap. My Orchids were looking stressed and burnt out – literally. One of them was attacked by unknown assailant. One half of a leaf was eaten and a new, young leaf was also under attack. The assailant remains unknown.

I had a feeling that their location, in direct path of the afternoon sun, might be the reason for their not doing well. I decided to move them indoors. I thought I would wait a bit and see how they fare indoors. And if they are still not doing well, I will try re-potting them.

Fortunately, that seemed to be the right thing to do, and what the Orchids needed – out of the punishing afternoon sun. Their health improved quickly. Here are some photos of the plants.

This first plant was more affected than the other. It was also attacked by unknown creatures.

The recovery was almost immediate.
Look at it now. A lot healthier isn't it. That half leave didn't look any worse off after the damage. The young leaf that was attacked has grown quite nicely. The plant has a new shine. Even the badly burnt leave seemed to have recovered nicely.
This is the other Orchid. It wasn't as badly off. But I can tell it was suffering too. And since they are both similar in nature, I decided to take it indoors as well - especially now that it is ready to bloom. I really don't want to chance losing the bloom.
It is doing well too. Healthy roots and the shine is retuning to the leaves.
It will bloom before too long. I will do another post on the blooms. !
So, that was it. The Orchids are both doing well again and I look forward to the bloom. All good!

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