Thursday 30 November 2023

Death Is A Great Teacher

Nothing in life lasts forever. All things decay and decompose after a time. We too will die after a certain number of years. Once you understand and accept that, you no longer have to worry or fear death. And until that day comes, you are free to forge ahead with your goal, or to live the life you want. You will come to realize that time is precious and there is no time to waste. You have to make good use of the short time you have left.
Death teaches us that in the long run nothing belongs to us. We came into this world with nothing. We will leave this world empty handed. Even if we desire to form permanent attachments or possess, we in truth, cannot. Things will break in spite of us. People will depart when it is their time no matter how loudly we protest. - Unknown

Death is the greatest of life’s teachers. It is only the ignorant and those who are afraid to live who fear it. The wise accept Death as their intimate friend and most gracious teacher. To be fully active and fully functioning as a person we must make death a life long friend. - Leo Buscaglia

Death also teaches us the impermanence of all things. All things change. All things die. This is true in nature as well as in human life. Even granite mountains crumble into dust just as the most beautiful of past kingdoms have left only silent stones to surround their mystery. To be attached to things or people, both of which will surely vanish, can only bring despair, for eventually one is left with only a handful of dust or a frail memory. - Leo Buscaglia

Dying makes what is left of living seem precious. The dying, and those about to die, feel that these last moments must be made beautiful. They cannot be permitted to include the bitterness and the enmities of the living that seem so inexhaustible. So often we hear people who, in dying, resign the old enmities and ask and grant forgiveness. Through such forgiveness they help to make dying beautiful. And, incidentally, they offer a lesson to those who go on living the apparently inexhaustible life. - John Daniel Barry

Remembering that I’ll be dead soon is the most important tool I’ve ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything – all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure – these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. - Steve Jobs

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