Saturday 2 March 2024


Frangipani – also known by its scientific name as Plumeria is a genus of about twelve species of shrubs or small trees with fragrant flowers. They are quite common here, in Singapore. Frangipani is the common name, but it also goes by other names depending on the country they are found in.

Frangipani flowers come in shades of pink, yellow, white, red and multi-colours, and they have a very nice fragrance which some describe as ‘Sophisticated, lush, and rich’. They are perennials. So, you see the blooms throughout the year. Frangipani trees are deciduous and sensitive to cold.

Apparently, the nocturnal fragrance of the flowers is believed to be linked to spirits and may attract supernatural beings at night. That is why people who are superstitious do not plant frangipani in their gardens.

The flowers can be used to make essential oils, perfumes, lotions, and candles. Some people float the flowers in a bath, or a bowl of water to get the feel of a relaxing effect of a spa day. They are also used as offerings in temples, or made into garlands called lei.

You can click on the picture for a better view.

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