Wednesday 3 July 2024

An Afternoon Walk In Arroyo

Although on holidays, I didn’t forget to take my daily walks. And here’s where the many advantages of walking come in. It requires no special equipment, and is a safe, low impact workout with a low risk of injuries and accidents. I can walk at any time of the day, at a pace I am comfortable with. I can walk alone or with company.

Roger and I take our walks in the afternoon. If we need to go to the shop, we would take a roundabout route and then drop in at the shop to do our shopping. If we do not need to go to the shop, we will take a longer walk – usually along the beach.

I take my camera along with me when I go on my walks. If I see something interesting, I will snap a picture of it. Here are some snapshots of apartments in the neighbourhood.

One of a few taller apartment blocks.

Click on the photo to see the bigger picture.

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