Wednesday 20 October 2021

A Different Route Home

On my way home from my walk, instead of the usual route, I took a different route home. A change of scenery, for want of something different. It was via the main road. So, the route was definitely not as scenic. It is all right to take that route once in a while, but I don’t think I will be taking it very often. I don't like walking on the main road.

Still, I remembered to take some pictures for my Wednesday Walk.

I passed a housing estate. This is the center of the estate.

A McCafe. Every estate center has one.
I was waiting for the traffic lights when I saw the block of flats. I thought they would make a couple of nice shots.
I noticed this tree with fruits by the road. I have no idea what tree, or what fruit is that.
Gardeners tidying up the plants.
A neighbourhood primary school.
Once a year, these pictures of arts would show up all over the island. I think it must be community arts month, or something like that.

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