Wednesday 27 October 2021

Wednesday Walk

Time passes so quickly these days. I seem to be in a dazed living one day to the next. I was still thinking it was Tuesday today, but something told me I was wrong. So, I checked and true enough, it is Wednesday today.

Here are some pictures for my Wednesday Walk post.

Saw this tree lizard enjoying the sun, oblivious to my presence.
Lovely pothos...
… creeping up a stone slope
Two young Arborvitae or Thuja plants. They don’t seem to grow too quickly.
Next to the Arborvitaes is – according to Google Image, a Naija palm. It is the one and only on my walk route. This is the first time I had a look, up-close.
The under side of the branches are covered with thorn-like bristles, or should it be bristle-like thorns.
The same goes for the stems.
Another nice day, another nice walk.

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