Thursday 14 October 2021

Happiness Is A State Of Mind

Happiness is a state of mind. So, if you want to be happy, you have to look within, and work on that state. Peace of mind is essential to happiness, it’s the way to happiness. Work on how to maintain a peaceful mind.

A peaceful state of mind calls for detachment from happenings in life, a discipline of your emotions, and the cultivation of compassion. Only when your mind is free of stress, fear, worry and all troubling emotions can you have peace of mind. And only then can you be happy.

Let go of all the unpleasantness in your life – all the pain and hurt. They are all in the past. Clinging on to them will make you unhappy. Let go of them and set yourself free. Think of all the good and pleasant things in your life now, and all that is waiting for you. Appreciate them, be grateful for them. Be happy!

It is true that we can’t be happy all the time – no one can. There will always be days of happiness, and there will be days of sadness. Like all things in life, happiness comes and go. There will be days when we feel blue – sometimes for no reason, and there will be days we feel high as a kite for no apparent reason. However, with the right mindset and attitude, we can easily overcome the momentary melancholy, and be grateful for and enjoy the bliss we are feeling.

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