Sunday 31 October 2021


A beautiful day must have flowers. Here are some commonly seen flowers in the tropics. They are all perennials. Clitoria ternatea or commonly known as the butterfly pea
Bougainvillea. Beautiful, rich and sweet colours of the papery bracts.
Cheilocostus speciosus, or crepe ginger.
Lovely yellow bells.
Impatiens Balsamina or commonly know as the garden balsam.
Jasmine flowers. There are many varieties. Some are more fragrant than others. This particular variety is not very fragrant.
Spider lilies. As the name implied, the flowers resemble spider webs.
These I do know the name of. The flowers are small and insignificant. But they have a white bract that stood out quite prominently. I guess this is how they attract the insects.
I don't know about these either. They are climbing vine plants. When in bloom, the orangey to red flowers (I am sure they are bracts, rather than flowers) cover the whole plant and the structure they were climbing on. Very beautiful indeed.

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